Cocolocks Box

Hair Care Subscription Box

How The Subscription Works

At Cactus, our subscription hair care product boxes are each valued at over $120 worth of products inside. CocoLocks Boxes are available for purchase at a one-time-fee of $85 for your first box, or you can purchase a whole years’ worth of boxes at a time, to be delivered quarterly, and get to take advantage of our 10% off total price, $306. Within each box you will also find a surprise gift from local and small businesses.

What To Expect Next

Our Winter box was a huge success! We received great feedback from all of our subscribers and we look forward to our Spring box which will be delivered to you in April!

Bathroom countertop with Color Street nail polish strips box, two blue glasses, and a potted plant.

Products Including

  • Various Shampoos and Conditioners
  • Styling Products for Wet and Dry Hair
  • Thermal Protectants
  • Masks & Deep Conditioning Treatments
  • Hair Accessories
  • Hair Tools: brushes, combs, clips
  • Surprise gifts from local small businesses And more!

Products From Some Of The Top Names In Hair Care

  • Chihtsai
  • La Brasiliana
  • Abril
  • Jungle Fever
  • SH-RD
  • Color Reflections And more!
Logo with text "Cocolocks Box" featuring a cactus within a minimalist, double-outlined triangle.

What You Can Expect In Each CocoLocks Box!
Just like our wardrobe changes to accommodate the ever changing seasons throughout the year, your hair care should too! Your hair and scalp’s oil production, ph balance, shedding schedule and other variables vary and change with the seasons of the year. Each of our boxes is delivered quarterly, and contains a multitude of full-sized products for you to enjoy and try. Each and every product we include in that round of deliveries will be tailored to the specific time of year seasonally to best accommodate your scalp and hairs behavior as it changes with the seasons.

CoCoLocks Box Sign-Up Form

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